We really can’t help but daydream about travelling when we often see these photos on our phones about the other beautiful countries around the world. That, and the posts your much more successful friends always upload on the social medias you see them in. We want that too, you know!
So for all of those who want to experience traveling at least once while you’re on a budget, here are some tips as to how that would work.
Tip 1: Go for the off-peak kinds of travels
Seasonal travel needs to be considered here. Know which season is known to be the off-peak in the country that you plan to go to. For instance, if you plan to take a trip to the Philippines, know that the summer there is way earlier than what the world considers appropriate. You can probably get some bookings a bit cheaper around July, which is great because that is summer for everywhere else in the world.
Tip 2: Hostels are cheaper
They are far cheaper than when you book for a room in a rental homes, resorts or hotels. Nothing like the backpacker atmosphere that makes you feel like a true adventurer. Some are even just a couple of dollars for a night. This is definitely a good find.
Tip 3: Free food at hostels
There are many hostels that provide free food (not including the breakfast you get upon staying there) like pizza nights, some baked goods and barbeque. There are so many more so you make sure to stock on these just in case you want to survive for the next few days of your vacation without having to spend anything.
Tip 4: Go for the off-the-beaten-paths
Beware of tourist traps, mate. They are wallet-murderers and most of the time, they’re thrice as expensive as the usual things that’s usually just sold at the side. They may be popular and are the reason why the country you choose to visit is being visited by loads of people in the first place, however you still need to eat and find a decent place to stay.
Tip 5: Advanced Booking
Prices get pricier the closer it gets to your trip. At least when you book in advance, you have a price that is fixed and have more time to save and prepare for it. Just as hostelworld, they know about it.
Tip 6: Sales events? Make the most of those
You might want to go for the flight sites where you will be relieved to find some of the cheap opportunities that will have your wallet thank you.
Tip 7: Travel Light

This is so you can easily avoid some airline charges. Plus, if you travel light then that’s less pain for your back, right? You won’t have to worry about having to lift a heavy bag all the time. Besides, you’ll only be gone for a couple of days. No need to take your whole house with you.